Free Training

Leadership Tools for Homeless Service Providers

This course includes the following two videos:

Staff Retention and Quiet Quitting
We have all heard about “quiet quitting” and the fact that this is an employee-hiring market. How can we be sure that our workplaces support people so they want to join our teams and stay once they are hired?

Developing Quality Supportive Housing Services Staff and Budget Tool
Does your agency’s Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) budget align with best practices? Does your agency have staff–to–PSH tenant ratios that support comprehensive person-centered service delivery? Join us as we discuss the core components of a high-quality PSH Service Budget and how your agency can build a realistic budget to guide future funding requests. During the session, CSH will walk through our SH Service Budget Tool, which you can use to create high-quality service teams.
Course Outcomes
1. Learn the core components of an SH service budget
2. Learn how your agency can use the CSH SH Service Budget Tool to create a budget based on quality standards
3. Tips on how to engage potential funders of SH services
What will participants walk away knowing?
1. Key components of a quality PSH service budget
2. How to develop a budget that aligns with quality
3. How to center equity in service budgets
Target Population for Audience:
Agency staff that are responsible for developing PSH service budgets for existing and new projects
Lindsey Bishop Gilmore from CSH
  • Staff Retention and Quiet Quitting
  • Developing Quality Supportive Housing Services Staff & Budget Tool
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed